Two Fabulous Sales; One Digger, One Picker

First if you have a moment…a message from Pope Francis that may warm your hearts!!!
First we invite you to to shop from a HUGE digger estate from the home of Shirley in Rancho Cordova. This collection of brand new in box items and clothes new with tags and items still wrapped in bags is perfect for the person who ‘wants’ something new and unused but prefers to pay the used garage sale prices. This is not a fancy pants sale with expensive anything. All items are reasonable from the start and you will be crazy if you skip this sale ESPECIALLY you petite or medium sized gals. I think the shoes run from 6-9 oddly enough (as she gained weight her feet got wider maybe) and her clothes range from small to large as well. The funny thing is, most are brand new and many are still with the original tag attached.

Kitchenware? Are you kidding me? I have NEVER seen this much brand new small appliance in boxes. This is a shoppers delight for you ladies who love to own it all!!! Unfortunately for health reasons, Shirley was unable to enjoy the hundreds of books, movies, cds, toys, games, towels, linens, figurines, statues, carvings, artwork, or electronics that she blindly ordered online or through the television so her loss is YOUR gain. Please come prepared with help moving any of this near new furniture (huge wooden pieces and very high end on some of them) bring manpower as well as boxes if you have them.

Also bring your common sense for me as a favor, do not block any driveways or houses nearby. Simply park at the end of the circle and walk in, then if you choose to purchase furniture you can easily park in front of the dumpster and get your heavy items loaded up.

As usual we will have coffee, donuts and water as well as a porta potty due to the house facilities not being useable. Come join us for this perfect estate sale weather on
Tuesday May 2nd 9am-4pm at
10643 Olson Drive Rancho Cordova 95670
Fair pricing 9am-12noon
Half price 12noon-3pm
Boxlot 3pm-4pm
Free and donation, take it away at 4pm sharp and be ready to rock and roll!
Yes we will have the $100 raffle for both sales this week!

Next we invite you over to Dolores’s lovely and perfectly tidy yet full home at Parklite in Greenhaven on Thursday May 4th from 9am-4pm
Dolores is a horse of a different color from Shirley; her home is spic and span, items well loved and respected, everything in it’s place and a place for every thing!
I especially love her good taste and love of all things country chic.
This home may have furniture from the 1970s and 80s but all is like it was never ever used.
Art is meticulous, furniture spotless, rugs clean and immaculate, china cleaned and shining and silver like you could slip it into your mouth. 

Dolores loved to crochet, cross stitch and was an excellent seamstress. She made beautiful Halloween costumes for the grandchildren. Carol collected apples, Waterford, Anna Leas and Norman Rockwell. She loved to travel and also as it shows walking through her home…she loved to decorate for the holidays so you will be able to enjoy her decorations now that she no longer is able to. Expect beautiful real and costume jewelry that range from vintage to contemporary. We hope to see you at one or both sales this week.
Thursday May 4th 9am-4pm
27 Parklite Circle Sacramento 95831.
Fair pricing 9am-12noon
Half price 12noon-3pm
Boxlot 3pm-4pm
Free and donation, take it away at 4pm sharp and be ready to rock and roll!
Yes we will have the $100 raffle for both sales this week!

Below are photos to give you a taste of what to expect. Quite a fun week overall. We will update them further Monday evening so check back then!
Thanks for the read. Jen and crew
Digger at Olson shown before below

Picker good taste sale in the Pocket on Parklite shown below

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