Jennie at 3 with her immediate family

Jennie and Big John at 12
Raised in a small Northern California town, more country than city, Jennie was the youngest of four girls, followed by a brother five years her junior. She was raised by an educator and prankster of a Father and a homemaker and amazing gardener of a Mother.
As a child, Jennie started and ran several small businesses from a local yard service to a babysitting and nanny job. By the time Jennie was a teenager she had moved to the city of Sacramento where she now lives. She garnered entrepreneurial skills from the get-go and has spent few of her years working for others since. Once moved to Sacramento, she wasted no time in opening her first hair salon and gathering a clientele for such.
After a few years of enjoying the big city, Jennie decided to sell the hair salon and try her hand at travel. For the first time in twenty-three years, she left the country and lived for nearly three years in Greece on Crete. She still loves travel today seeing Israel, Greece, France, Mexico, and Hawaii as of late.
After her extensive travel time Jennie returned to California to continue her education while working for the United States Forest Service fighting fires on an engine crew. After achieving her Associate and Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice, Jennie spent merely a year in law school before she came upon auctions and selling antiques and collectibles. This was a match made in heaven.
From the time she was a young girl digging through old dumps looking for bottles, cleaning attics for elderly neighbors salvaging their cast offs, and going along with her Mom to yard sales, Jennie has nurtured a love of all that was old, including the people who had collected such treasures. She has always had a great appreciation for the elderly and what they have to share with her.
While working locally doing house sales, flea markets, antique shows, owning antique shops in local malls as well as on the Delta (named for her twelve year old daughter Sophie), Jennie has garnered a solid clientele in the market of antiques and collectibles. She is known to be fair, hard working, honest, and kind. Working for those in need is a main focus of her business. Getting the job done right is the primary payoff and motivation.
Should you need or want to know more about Jennie, feel free to email her with questions regarding her own life or that of her business.

Jennie getting kissed in Cancun

Mom & daughter at the horses

Sophie & Jennie